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Monday, July 29, 2013


.... jika Ƙą♏ΰ tidak pernah mensyukuri setiap Ώ̶på Ÿª♌g Tuhan beri... Maka Ƙą♏ΰ tidak berhak mempertanyakan setiap airmata....

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Bersama Bu Nawang 20130723

A moment with Bu Nawang

Blame Your Self !

Learn how to read, understand and apply the word of God to influence and change your own life for the better and stop waiting on others to interpret it for you. God has gifted you with life, the ability to think and everything necessary to cultivate, develop and manage it. If there's something you feel your life is missing or that you don't have, BLAME NO ONE BUT YOURSELF!

With Alanis :D

Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never have enough.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Bersama Bu Nawang 20130723

Mulai Belajar Merayap

Latihan Dengan Mba Yuli Θάπ A Jamjam

She's So Cute _20130723

Whenever you do not understand whats happening in your life, just close your eyes, take a deep breath and say, 'GOD, I know its your plan just help me through it

Its Major But Чöü Can Prove It!

Every major achievement is almost always preceded by years of toil, hard work, failure, stress, tests of character, determination, sleepless nights... All of which help form the network of roots that can then support real accomplishments.

This Could Be A Start But This Would Be Ended, Princess !

Pain was given so we'll learn how to sympathize. Struggles were given so we'll realize how to appreciate. Tears were given so we'll know how real happiness actually feels.

So, Gimme your sweetest smile my love !

Growing So Fast!

Once the storm is over, you won't remember how you made it through and how you managed to survive. You won't even be sure whether the storm is really over. But one thing, is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won't be the same person who walked in it.

None Can Stopped !

Make It Trough!

You might be sad because you've been through a lot, but you should also be proud of yourself for being STRONG enough to make it through it.

You Can Make It, Princess!

Our struggles make us stronger, our experiences make us wiser, and our past makes us realize that we are meant to go through these things in order for our future to be brighter..

Keep on struggle my princess !!

Our struggles make us stronger, our experiences make us wiser, and our past makes us realize that we are meant to go through these things in order for our future to be brighter....

When you look at a person, any person, remember that everyone has a story. Everyone has gone through something that has changed them.

At The First Meet With Bu Nawang

An Inspiring Mother, Tough Mother!

Melihatnya tersenyum Θάπ menikmati tegur sapa Ώyå Ÿª♌g tulus, seakan membisikkan sebuah motivasi bahwa kenikmatan yang sesungguhnya bukan terdapat ketika kita mendapatkan yang anda inginkan namun kenikmatan yang sesungguhnya terdapat di dalam proses memperjuangkannya.... (Maaf Mam... Memposting photo Чǝлб sy curi ϑĩ KLC :) )

Monday, July 22, 2013

Its Awesome!

New experience to see how he taught that cutie girl a lesson, great to see this! With Pak Joned Jatmiko and Cutie Lovely Girl kayla.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Kursi Goyang Gilly

Kemaren ɑ̈ĸƲ beliin Gilly sebuah kursi goyang, maksud hati beli kursi Ÿª♌g dudukannya agak lebih bawah dari lututnya kalo duduk, untuk gilly mandi, tapi Ъќ:) nemu, dapetnya kursi Чǝлб ini.... Tapi gpp "̮ ƗƗɐƗƗɐƗƗɐ "̮ .....

Kursi Ÿª♌g tanpa sabuk pengaman Îτϋ ɑ̈ĸƲ modifikasi dengan tambahan sabuk untuk pengaman dada pengendara motor, ɑ̈ĸƲ tambahkan sabuk sekolah kakaknya :D

Θάπ ternyata ɑ̈ĸƲ menemukan hal Ÿª♌g menyenangkan ketika Gilly duduk diatasnya, kaki Ώyå mijak mijak dengan posisi telapak kaki Ÿª♌g nyaris sempurna, entahlah.......

Sunday, July 7, 2013

My Princess Gilly After 5 Weeks

She got 5 weeks having therapy in Kids Learning Center, there is so much to do to makes her better than this, but it was amazing to know that there is so much different thing in her now!, I'm so thankfull especially to my Lord, to my beloved father and familly, to my husband, and to all of therapist in KLC, Alloh Swt loves чöü .....

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Working With Love

The hardest part or it could be easier for them, The Therapyst, doing it as a job to earn money, but also they have to loves those children as their kids. God will bless you all.....

Hari ini, 16 peb 2019 Gilly Aku baru lihat.. Pergelangan tangan kirinya tidak lurus...seperti yang sebelahnya.... Aku ambil botol lotionku y...