Welcome To Gilly's Blog

Blogaholic Designs”=

Friday, June 28, 2013

lat rolling.3GP

Fisioterapi 20130613

Latihan Duduk

mba yuli and om sugenk

Terapi Wicara

Bersama Mba Yuli

Belajar Duduk Ÿª♌g Benar

Bersama Om Ebie Θάπ Om Sugenk

Never Give Up !!

Imagine being told by doctors and therapists that your child may never walk or even stand when what you desperately want to hear are words of hope and encouragement. Now, imagine you have found a program that makes the impossible, possible; and you witness your child take his first independent steps....


bersama mba Yuli

Mba Yuli

Latihan Rolling

Bersama Mba Yuli Θάπ Om Sugenk


With Om Fitrah

Om Ebie "̮ ƗƗɐƗƗɐƗƗɐ "̮

"̮ ƗƗɐƗƗɐƗƗɐ "̮

Gilly ketiduran karena capek latihan, padahal belom selesai terapinya, "̮ ƗƗɐƗƗɐƗƗɐ "̮ om Fitrah Θάπ Om Sugenk jadinya bisa nyantai dulu Ɣå :)

Koreksi Tulang Belakang

Bersama Om Ebie

Belajar Duduk

Memperbaiki Pernafasan

With Om Ebie

°♡˚ Morning °♡˚ at KLC


with Om Fitrah at KLC

Mba Yuli KLC

The only therapist woman in KLC

Saturday, June 15, 2013

I'm A Valuable Creature

Different isn't always better, but the best is always different.

Pulling My Soul

Hari ini Gilly masih anget badannya. Mungkin harus istirahat dulu tapi ɑ̈ĸƲ sudah minta ijin Bu Yuli untuk mengganti jadwal terapinya di lain jam.

" Anda bisa mengeluh kareena mawar berduri.....

...... Atau bersukacita karena duri berbunga mawar......"

Hari ini, 16 peb 2019 Gilly Aku baru lihat.. Pergelangan tangan kirinya tidak lurus...seperti yang sebelahnya.... Aku ambil botol lotionku y...